Gallery & Floor Plans in St. Louis

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Welcome Home

Our community has everything you need to make your senior years the best years of your life. When you live here, you're choosing a community dedicated to your complete well-being.

Our spacious floor plans are designed to make the most of every square foot. They include comfortable living areas, fully-equipped kitchens to entertain loved ones, and plenty of storage space so you can keep all your favorite things close at hand.

View our gallery and floor plans to see what's available, or book a tour to see our community in person. We can't wait to meet you and show you around!

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By sending us your information, you are agreeing to be contacted and receive marketing information from Promenade Senior Living.

Our Address

  • 8825 Eager Rd
  • St. Louis, MO 63144

Contact Information

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Why Choose Us?

Our community is designed so you’ll always feel completely at home, whether it’s in your own cozy apartment, or enjoying any of our community amenities.

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We keep a full calendar of activities and events to keep life exciting. From group exercise classes to off-campus excursions, there’s always something fun happening in our community!

Services & Amenities

Our caregiving team is dedicated to making your life everything it should be. From compassionate one-on-one care to staff-led activities, our team is here to support you 24/7.

Our Community
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