Assisted Living in St. Louis

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The Perfect Balance

We believe that comfort, security, and peace of mind are some of the most important things in life. Our residents are never alone—we're here to help them whenever and however they need, from helping them get dressed in the morning to making sure their hair is always styled just right.

Our staff is trained to provide excellent care for seniors; they're ready when our residents need them most. Whether it's medication management or helping coordinate rides with family members and friends, we take pride in offering top-notch service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We're here to help you get the most out of life. With assisted living, our goal is to make sure that everything is taken care of so that you can relax and enjoy your golden years. Book a tour today to see what assisted living is all about.

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More Time to Spend Doing What You Love

Daily tasks can add up and get in the way of living your life to its fullest.

When you call our community home, you no longer have to worry about things like housekeeping, meal preparation, or managing your own medication. All you have to focus on is spending time doing what brings you joy—we'll take care of the rest!

hat type of activities can you get up to? Check out our full list of services and amenities to find out.

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By sending us your information, you are agreeing to be contacted and receive marketing information from Promenade Senior Living.

Our Address

  • 8825 Eager Rd
  • St. Louis, MO 63144

Contact Information

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Why Choose Us?

Our community is designed so you’ll always feel completely at home, whether it’s in your own cozy apartment, or enjoying any of our community amenities.

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We keep a full calendar of activities and events to keep life exciting. From group exercise classes to off-campus excursions, there’s always something fun happening in our community!

Services & Amenities

Our caregiving team is dedicated to making your life everything it should be. From compassionate one-on-one care to staff-led activities, our team is here to support you 24/7.

Our Community
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