Services & Amenities in St. Louis

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Designed to Make Every Day Better

Here, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy all the amenities that make life sweet. From cozy lounges to gorgeous outdoor walkways, our amenities are here to support you in living your best life.

Our community is a great place to meet new people while staying active and involved in your community. We offer endless opportunities to get involved. From activities like cooking classes and book clubs to game nights and off-campus excursions, you can truly live life your way.

If you're interested in seeing our community and experiencing what we have to offer in person, please book a tour today!

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What We Offer

  • A variety of living options so you can choose the right level of care for yourself or your loved one
  • The privacy & comfort of your own apartment in an idyllic setting
  • A dedicated staff that treats you like family while providing around-the-clock care
  • Regular social activities with other residents who share your interests
  • Assistance with daily activities of living
  • Secure building for the physical safety of all residents

See Our Community in Person

The only way to see how special our services and amenities are is by experiencing them in person. If you're interested to see what we have to offer and how it can benefit you or a loved one, please book a tour today.

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By sending us your information, you are agreeing to be contacted and receive marketing information from Promenade Senior Living.

Our Address

  • 8825 Eager Rd
  • St. Louis, MO 63144

Contact Information

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Why Choose Us?

Our community is designed so you’ll always feel completely at home, whether it’s in your own cozy apartment, or enjoying any of our community amenities.

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We keep a full calendar of activities and events to keep life exciting. From group exercise classes to off-campus excursions, there’s always something fun happening in our community!

Services & Amenities

Our caregiving team is dedicated to making your life everything it should be. From compassionate one-on-one care to staff-led activities, our team is here to support you 24/7.

Our Community
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