Skilled Nursing in St. Louis

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You're in Good Hands

We believe that living well is about more than just finding the perfect home—it's about having the support you need to live a full, healthy life.

When your loved one requires medical care, we're here to help then get the very best! Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care—but we know that it's about more than just medicine. It's about having someone who will listen when you need it most, who will help make sure that you have everything you need at all times, and someone who will treat you with care and respect every day.

If you want to see how skilled nursing can help your loved one, book a tour today. We'd love to show you around and give you a feel for the type of care we provide.

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Our Skilled Nursing Services

In our community, we make sure that every resident has access to the best of what we have to offer: skilled nurses, 24/7 support, and other medical care providers—all in a warm, inviting environment where residents can feel relaxed and at ease.

Our skilled nursing services include:

  • 24-hour nursing care
  • Respiratory care
  • GU/GI care
  • Musculoskeletal & skin care
  • Medication management
  • Treatment for medical conditions
  • Coordination with additional health providers

The Support You Deserve

Receive the support you deserve in our community with skilled nursing services and 24/7 support. To learn more about what we offer, book a tour of our community.

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By sending us your information, you are agreeing to be contacted and receive marketing information from Promenade Senior Living.

Our Address

  • 8825 Eager Rd
  • St. Louis, MO 63144

Contact Information

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Why Choose Us?

Our community is designed so you’ll always feel completely at home, whether it’s in your own cozy apartment, or enjoying any of our community amenities.

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We keep a full calendar of activities and events to keep life exciting. From group exercise classes to off-campus excursions, there’s always something fun happening in our community!

Services & Amenities

Our caregiving team is dedicated to making your life everything it should be. From compassionate one-on-one care to staff-led activities, our team is here to support you 24/7.

Our Community
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